Bandits Bandanas
By artists for outlaws
since 2018
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bandits creates sustainably made bandanas that feature original artwork and support charities worldwide

raised for global charities

Charity Organizations Supported

artists commissioned

"Bandits taps artists from across the globe to design their intricate organic cotton bandanas, and then donates a portion of each sale to a charity of the artist's choosing. Win, win, win."

"Bandanas are the item you didn't know you needed."

"The next-level flex you should definitely try."

"A stylish, well-made bandana that allows you to get way out there and beyond."

"Bandits partners up with artists to create one-of-a-kind, limited-run bandanas. Each design is commissioned specifically and exclusively for Bandits. Pretty cool! Not only that, the company donates 10% of proceeds to various charities of the artist’s choosing."

"Bandanas are the multitool of the fabric world."

"A classic bandana is an easygoing way to cover your face, but it's also a versatile essential that always comes in handy. Think of it as the Leatherman tool of the style world."

"On top of being one of the cooler bandanas you can get, 10% of the proceeds go to support charity."